Ponti sul Mediterraneo
Bridges over the Mediterranean
What is the Mediterranean? ... It is at the same time immersion in the archaic worlds of islands and marvel at the extreme youth of very old cities, open to all the winds of culture ... All because the Mediterranean is a very old crossroads.
"Qu’est-ce que la Méditerranée? … C’est tout à la fois s’immerger dans l’archaïsme des mondes insulaires et de s’étonner devant l’extrême jeunesse de très vielles villes, ouvertes à tous les vents de la culture … Tout cela parce que la Méditerranée est un très vieux carrefour."
ماهو البحر الأبيض المتوسط؟ هو في نفس الوقت انغماس في ماض عميق لعوالم الجزر و الاندهاش أمام شبابية المدن العريقة المفتوحة على كل رياح الثقافات كل هذا لأن البحر الأبيض المتوسط يمثل أعرق التقاطعات لالتقاء الحضارات
Che cos’è il Mediterraneo? … È immergersi nell’arcaismo dei mondi insulari e nello stesso tempo stupirsi di fronte all’estrema giovinezza di città molto antiche, aperte a tutti i venti della cultura … Tutto questo perché il Mediterraneo è un crocevia antichissimo.
Fernand Braudel, La Méditerranée: l’espace et l’histoire, Méditerranée; Ed. Arts et Métiers (1977)
Between Asia and Oceanus: opportunities for the Mediterranean in the present world scenario
The North may be up or down, at the choice: coherent development is strength, and peace
Left: A world map reconstituted from Ptolemy's Geography (ca. AD 150)
Detail of a mid-15th century Florentine map, British Museum (London) - Image Wikipedia
Right: The Tabula Rogeriana, drawn in 1154 by the Arab geographer El Idrisi at the court of the Norman King Roger II of Sicily
Detail of the earliest preserved copy (c. 1300), Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris) - Image Wikipedia
Marseille, 4-5 Mai 2017
C.-J. Vernet, L'entrée du port de Marseille, Musée du Louvre, Paris (1754) - Image Wikimedia
A new Mediterranean world: a space for sharing in science, education and culture
Un nouveau monde méditerranéen: espace de partage par l’éducation, la science et la culture
البحر الأبيض المتوسط عالم جديد: فضاء للتبادل عبر التربية و العلوم و الثقافة
Un nuovo mondo mediterraneo: spazio di condivisione nella scienza, nell’educazione e nella cultura
Studenti campani al Colloquio - Il mare unisce le terre che divide
Mediterranean Workshop MW 2017
Naples, 23-24 October 2017
Napoli e il suo porto nella Tavola Strozzi (1472), attribuita to F. Rosselli - Immagine Wikipedia
To promote new structural initiatives for the Mediterranean of the young generations
Pour pomouvoir de nouvelles initiatives structurelles pour la Méditerranée des jeunes générations
لتقديم مبادرات جديدة هيكلية من أجل متوسط مواكب لطموحات الشباب
Per promuovere nuove iniziative strutturali per il Mediterraneo delle giovani generazioni